Coronavirus Shows Us It's Time for Change, Not Charity
A story posted on Worth by Tricia Raikes and published May 4, 2020 where she writes about “giving in service of change rather than charity.”
Started in 2002 with her husband, Jeff the Raikes Foundation is focused on young people. Over the years the couple and foundation staff have gained an understanding of systems effecting youth and have taken stock of the challenges by listening to the people they are aiming to help. Today, the foundation’s work is geared toward transforming the systems that are holding youth back.
The coronavirus and its disproportionate effect on communities of color and those of lower income further highlight the brokenness of systems that, based on where you live, limit access to healthcare, quality food, transportation, and jobs providing adequate wages and benefits including paid sick leave.
I was most struck by Raikes’ concluding paragraph, “By giving for change, not charity, we can begin to bridge our divides and build a better future. Let’s start now.” This article provides good food for thought when considering the work of funders. Is your aim to support needs or to change the systems that perpetuate the needs?