Laura Duty with Jessica Dunn, VP of Philanthropy, the LiftFund.
Oh the joys of resolutions. One of mine for the New Year was to publish a regular blog on topics relevant to nonprofits and funders. While having lunch with a colleague, I was lamenting my procrastination. Her advice, “simply start.” Just because the first post isn’t in January doesn’t mean the effort is blown for the whole year. Jessica, at last I am heeding your advice!
I also got to thinking about the root causes behind my foot dragging and realized I can point my procrastination to one word…fear. Fear that a post would simply be one more thing to land in the inbox. Fear that a post would not have relevance. Fear that a post would be meaningless. And yes, fear of rejection.
Then I realized one of the reasons I am in the business of working with nonprofit leaders and with funders is to help them overcome the very thing holding me back…fear. Publishing a regular blog is part of a strategy I developed to advance my consulting work. Based on marketing research and conversations, I realize these communications are key.
Because I had already missed early deliverables, I found my plan collecting dust as it sat on a shelf. It took talking with a colleague to put me on the path of actively working my business strategy.
Does this mindset sound familiar? Do you have ideas for strengthening your organization that may seem far-fetched? Do you have designs for developing strategies that are aligned throughout your organization from program to operating staff to the board? Are you looking for a neutral and confidential sounding board to toss ideas?
Coaches, consultants, mentors, and peers offer a safe space as you navigate the twists and turns of your work. Just as my colleague helped me I am here for you to listen, offer insights, connect you with resources, and support you as you overcome your own fears of walking down new paths. Let’s get started…